Orders of Protection
Obtaining order of protection
There are certain times when it is necessary for a spouse, a partner, a child’s parent or a family member to file a petition seeking an order of protection in family court. That petition is called “Family Offense Petition.”
We can guide you through preparation, filing and appearing with you at the initial court appearance to obtain an order of protection.
Permanent orders of protection are typical in duration from six (6) months And up to two (2) years, and can be obtained through consent (where both parties agree on the provisions of the order of protection) or after hearing.
After the initial filing of the family offense petition that seeks the order of protection, the first few court appearances are crucial for establishing parameters by which the parties may have ANY contact. In addition, these orders may affect custody and access of minor children, retrieval of personal items from a joint residence and even support. Call Milana Tepermayster, Esq., today for a consultation and to find out your rights.
Defending against a temporary order of protection:
There are times when a person is served with an order of protection that prevents him/her from having any contact with his/her children as well as being displaced from the joint residence. This has profound effects on future custody, support and even equitable distribution decisions that a judge may be forced to make in the future.
If you have just been served with a temporary order of protection, do not wait and call us today. We will help you understand your rights and obligations under the law, as well as, what you can expect in the future.
Don't wait Call us today 845-457-1118 or Email Us at Milana@Tepermaysterlaw.com
Milana Tepermayster, Esq